Material: | Made of thick high-quality polar fleece blankets. |
Full Face Coverage: | This mask gives you the option to cover your entire face and features an extra-long neck section for superior wind and cold protection;improved cut and different sewing angle for better fit on your head. |
Classic Styling: | Feels super soft, windproof breathable excellent,hat solid modeling, in line with the structure of human head, wind-proof, dust-proof, warm, comfortable to wear. |
Versatile: | This outdoor sport mask can be used as Balaclavaïžscarf, hat and face mask, Four in one function. |
One Size Fits Most: | This ski mask hood adjusts coverage, one size fits all, suitable for both men and women. |
Wide Applications: | Suitable for outdoor hiking, camping, hiking, skiing, cycling and other sports. |
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- SKU 1830526597_TH
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