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100% Brand new and high quality
This is a DisplayPort to VGA cable for interfacing next generation DisplayPort based PC and notebook computers with conventional VGA displays, such as CRT, LCD monitors, and projectors.
The DisplayPort to VGA Converter converts your digital displayport signal to analog VGA signal.
It offers solutions for digital entertainment center, projector factory, noisy space and security concerns, conference room presentation, school and corporate training environments.
This is a DisplayPort to VGA cable for interfacing next generation DisplayPort based PC and notebook computers with conventional VGA displays, such as CRT, LCD monitors, and projectors.
The DisplayPort to VGA Converter converts your digital displayport signal to analog VGA signal.
It offers solutions for digital entertainment center, projector factory, noisy space and security concerns, conference room presentation, school and corporate training environments.
Color: | black |
Size: | 20.3x 4.4x 1.8cm |
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VU shopāļāļēāļĒDisplayport Dp Male To Vga Female Adapter Cable āđāļāđāļāļĢāļēāļāļē
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