Wi-Fi 6 Whole Home Coverage: | Cover up to 5,800 sq. ft. with seamless, high-performance Wi-Fi 6 and eliminate dead zones and buffering.† |
No-Drop WiFi: | TP-Link Mesh Technology ensures all your devices are always connected even as you walk from room to room using a single name and password. ‡ |
Connect More Devices: | Deco is strong enough to connect up to 150 devices with strong and reliable WiFi.† |
Total Security: | WPA3 encryption and a free lifetime subscription to TP-Link HomeCareTM provides personalized features, including Parental Controls, Antivirus, and Quality of Service (QoS) to ensure a safer online experience.§ |
Easy Setup and Management: | The Deco app helps you set up your network in minutes with clear visual guidance and keeps you in control even when you are not home. |
Universally Compatible: | Backward compatible with all WiFi generations, ideal for any internet plan up to 1 Gbps, and works with any internet service provider (ISP) and modem. |
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- SKU 1104964404_TH
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zonelink88āđāļĢāļēāļĄāļĩ Tp-Link Ax1800 Whole Home Mesh Wi-Fi 6 System Deco X20 āļāļĩāđāļāļāļāļāļāļĨāđāļĨāļāļāļąāđāļāđāļŦāļĄāđāđāļĄāļēāļāļĒāļđāđāđāļŠāļĄāļ āļāļĢāđāļāļĄāļāđāļ§āļĒāļĄāļĩāļāļēāļĢāļāļąāļāđāļāļāđāļŦāđāļĨāļđāļāļāđāļēāđāļāđāļĢāļđāđ āļāļąāđāļāļĒāļąāļāļĄāļĩāļāļēāļĢāļāļāļāđāļāļāđāļŦāđāļāļąāļāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāđāļāļāļāļāļāļĩāđ
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