WiFi Technology : | WiFi 6 (802.11ax) Tri-Band WiFi (AX6600). 2.4GHz AX |
WiFi Performance : | AX6600 WiFi |
WiFi Range : | WiFi coverage for very large homes |
WiFi Band : | Tri-Band 2.4 & 5GHz & 5GHz |
Beamforming : | Beamforming+ — Boosts speed, reliability and range of WiFi connections for 2.4 and 5GHz |
Ethernet Ports : | Five (5) 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet ports. Dual Gigabit Ethernet port aggregation |
USB Ports : | One (1) USB 3.0 port |
Processor : | Powerful quad-core 1.5GHz processor |
WiFi Speed : | 1.2 + 4.8 Gbps + 600Mbps† with 8-stream connectivity**. 4X4 MU-MIMO‡ allows simultaneous streaming to multiple devices. 1024-QAM—25% increased data efficiency and faster speeds than a 256-QAM router. Ability to aggregate two gigabit LAN ports for faster file transfers and two gigabit ports for internet connections. Multi-Gig ExperienceΔ maximizes your available Internet speeds with link port aggregation support. Ability to aggregate two Gigabit LAN ports and two Gigabit WAN ports (configurable). 160MHZ channel support*** doubles the speeds as offered by 80MHz channels to provide Gigabit speeds for compatible mobile devices and laptops |
WiFi Capacity : | 4-stream MU-MIMO‡ enables up to four (4) 1x1 devices to stream content at the same time. Robust quad-core 1.5GHz processor boosts wireless, wired and WAN-TO-LAN performance. |
Sharing : | One superspeed USB 3.0 port up to 10x faster than USB 2.0. ReadySHARE® Vault for automatic PC backup to a USB hard drive connected to the router. ReadySHARE® USB access — Wirelessly access & share USB hard drive via one (1) USB port |
Ease of Use : | Smart Connect intelligently selects fastest WiFi band for every device connection. One WiFi name for the entire home. Nighthawk App for easy router setup and more, including access from anywhere to manage your network away from home. AX WiFi supports all current WiFi devices and is backward compatible with 802.11a/b/g/n/ac client devices. Control NETGEAR network with simple voice commands using Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. |
Security : | NETGEAR Armor†† provides advanced cyber threat protection for your home and your connected devices. Securely access home network & internet connection from mobile devices with VPN support on PC, Mac, and iOS and Android devices with OpenVPN Connect app. Standards-based security —802.11i, 128-bit AES encryption with PSK. Separate & secure access for guests. Automatic firmware updates deliver latest security patches to the router. |
Folded size: | 11.85 x 8.15 x 3.31 in (301 x 207 x 84 mm) |
Unfolded size: | 13.66 x 8.19 x 6.57 in (347 x 208 x 167 mm) |
Weight: | 2.58 lb (1171 g) |
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- SKU 2426946979_TH
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