Brand: | Uncle fan |
Applicable age of underwear: | 5 years old 6 years old 7 years old 8 years old 9 years old 6 months old 9 months old under 1 year old 1-3 years old 3-5 years old 5-7 years old 7-9 years old 12 months old 18 months old 2 years old 3 years old 4 years old |
Function: | moisture absorption and perspiration at home |
Underwear texture: | Cotton |
Style: | Leisure |
Origin: | Chinese mainland |
Gender: | neutral |
Color classification: | white bottom green elephant x vertical white bottom red bear erect white bottom excavator x vertical pure color plum powder x vertical pure color light green x erect pure color yellow x vertical white bottom small new x vertical white bottom powder whale x vertical white bottom red cherry x vertical white bottom grid Bear x erect pure color gray x vertical pure color Khaki x vertical pure pink pink x vertical. |
Article No.: | jy21030601 |
Reference height: | 80cm 90cm 100cm 110cm 120cm 130cm 140cm |
Suitable season: | Summer |
Safety level: | Class A |
Material composition: | Cotton 100- |
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