UNISEX RESISTANCE BAND: | Men and women can use the exercise band for any exercise to tone the arms, legs, thighs, and butt. Seniors and those in physical therapy can also use this to build stronger bones and rehabilitate injured muscles. |
ANY TIME ANY PLACE USE: | The yoga pull rope is compact and portable, so you can take your workout anywhere. Ideal for a wide variety of fitness-related uses, including physical therapy, weight loss, Pilates, muscle toning, muscle strengthening, stretching, rehabilitation and general health and fitness. |
FITNESS GOAL: | The resistance rope offer the versatility and quality that you need for your best workout. You can use it to increase cardio, build muscle, lose weight and enhance flexibility. |
COMFORTABLE HANDLE: | Cushioned foam handles is comfortable and anti-slip, easy to absorb sweat. Length is about 12cm / 4.73 inch. |
ELASTIC EXERCISE TUBE: | Made of quality TPR. Exercise tube length is about 47.25'' / 120cm, diameter is 0.4'' / 10.5mm. |
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- SKU 2384321319_TH
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