35=Insole Length 225mm
36=Insole Length 230mm
37=Insole Length 235mm
38=Insole Length 240mm
39=Insole Length 245mm
40=Insole Length 250mm
41=Insole Length 255mm
42=Insole Length 260mm
43=Insole Length 265mm
ïžHeel height 3cmïž
2 .Please be reminded that due lighting effects, monitor brightness contrast settings etc, there could be some slight differences in the color tone of the website photo and the actual item.
Please choice larger size if your foot is wide or thick.
#ankle boots,casual shoes,Flats shoes,pointedtoeboot,short boots,Boots,Women's Fashion,Shoes,autumn boots,women shoes
Color: | Khaki,Beige,Brown,Light Grey |
SIZE: | |
Material: | PU+ rubber |
Package Content: | 1 Pair Shoes |
Kindly Tip: | |
1. Conversion: | 1 inch= 2.54cm |
Size Approximately: | These size is about Asian Size,general get one size smaller than US/EU size,Please reference to the size chart in the picture. Item Measure by hand, it could be 1-3cm different. hope you can understanding, will be sincerely appreciated. |
NOTE: | The size only for this shoes, please check the size picture clearly before buying it. |
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- SKU 2504180910_TH
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