-Generator System together with SUAOKI/Jackery/Goal Zero Yeti/Enkeeo/Webetop/Paxcess/ROCKPALS power station. For smartphones and tablets(iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy), GPS, digital cameras, etc. Ideally suited for outdoor life and even unexpected power outages.
ãUPGRADE CHARGING TECHNOLOGYãSUAOKI folding solar panel equipped with 1*USB ports, 1*QC
3.0 USB port (18W max), 1*DC ports, and 1*60W Type
-C Power Delivery. Compared with other solar panels, SUAOKI foldable solar panel comes with PD Type
-C (60W) and USB QC
3.0 (18W) portsïž4X faster speedy for smartphones, tablets, laptops, lamps, power banks, MacBook Pro, iPad, switch, etc. So whenever you are on the go, only a few moments of solar recharging will give you ample power in your devices.
ãPORTABLE & FOLDABLE SOLAR CHARGER WITH KICKSTANDãDesign with a TPE rubber handle and bracket stand can be used to mount the solar panel and hold it at an angle of 45° to the ground for maximum output energy efficiency. built
-in TIR
-C & MPPT controller for reliable & safe current
ãDURABLE SOLAR PANELãMade from durable cloth, zipper, and PET material. high
-temperature resistance. It can be hung on your RV or tent. ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, climbing, hiking, picnic.
-Anderson cable, DC
-DC cable, battery clamps, a 10
-1 connector for different connection ports. 24
-month product warranty backed with our friendly customer service available 7×24 hrs
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