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I am overseas sellers, ship from China
1*Simple Dimple key chain
5.5 x
4.7 x
1.2 inches (approximately 14 x
11.9 x 3 cm)
Product Description
Young or old, this unique little keychain provides endless hours of fidget fun!
The frame is made of strong, high
-quality plastic
- ideal for rattling around in your pocket or purse
- and the two colorful buttons are made of 100% silicone.
One touch and your fingers can't stop pushing, poking, and popping!
Available in four brilliant color combinations and perfectly sized to fit any set of keys, the Simpl Dimpl is a simple delight that's hard to resist.
[Toys for toddlers] Simple and bright; push and pop them, poke and grab them; promote fine motor skills. The size is suitable for toddlers and preschoolers to grasp with both hands.
[Get attention] Fidget sensory toys can help relieve emotions when babies change diapers, ride in a car or travel. This is a fun way to keep your brain focused and busy.
[No harm to children] BPA free; bubbles are made of 100% food grade silicone. The smooth round surface has no burrs, which can safely care for the baby's delicate skin.
[Easy to carry] It is very suitable for portable games. There is a hole on the edge of this pit toy, which can be connected to a stroller or car seat.
Simpl Dimpl
Unique key chain featuring silicone fidget buttons
Encourages tactile stimulation, calmness, concentration
Fidgety fingers can't put it down!
Buttons each textured on one side with the Fat Brain Toys logo
Mini carabiner clip makes it easy to attach and detach from keys, purse, backpack
Our working time is Monday to Saturday 8: | 00am-21 |
Age range: | Both for toddlers and adults |
Frame : | high quality ABS plastic |
Buttons : | 100% high-quality food-grade silicone |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2462108831_TH
- āļĢāđāļēāļāļāđāļē YHYT_123
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