-on Omnidirectional Condenser Microphone is designed for vocal or video use with Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, iPad,Mac,Pro,Air,Android, Windows Smartphones and Apple computers.
2* The PoP voice lav mic is Omnidirectional, naturally boosting performance for clear and accurate voice reproduction, improving the recording experience to the user.
3* The PoP voice lav mic is made of polished and protected steel, unit is extremely lightweight, designed for optimum portability, flexibility, and comfort.
4* With it,you never need the special Apple to Android Smart Conversion Adapter Cable,widely used on many more devices.
5* The professional grade microphone,performs significantly better than majority of the built in microphones,is suitable for film, interviews, television,video chat, network sing,auditorium and classroom setting,car drivers and wherever it may be necessary to record audio in broadcast quality.
6* Extra long 59 inch cable is perfect in every possible recording scenario, giving the user both the flexibility and the range needed. This microphone is the ideal microphone for almost all audio and video recording needs.
Wind muff*1
PoP voice microphone IS NOT compatible with Motorola Droid Turbo, Nexus 5, Google Pixel XL, Galaxy J7 and some special phones or devices.
1. Unplug and replug to test it again.
2. Try to use it to other smartphones or devices to test.
3. Please unplug the mic before you play recording.
The main function of PoP voice microphone is to record sound, not an amplifier.
The Reasons why you are going to love and choose the PoP voice upgrade lavalier lapel microphone: | |
Specification and Features: | |
Weight: | 30g |
Polar pattern: | Omnidirectional |
Mic diameter: | Φ6.5*5.0 mm |
Sensitivity: | -30dB±2dB RL= 2.2 KΩ VS=3.0 V |
Frequency Range: | 20-20KHz |
Total Length: | 59"(1.5m);Line length |
Package: | |
Notice: | |
If the microphone can not record sound, we advise you try the methods as follows: |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2282729573_TH
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